Duty of Candour 

Do the staff in your organisation:

✘ Understand the law relating to the Duty of Candour?
✘ Understand the obligations that the Duty of Candour places on them?
✘ Feel fearful and ill-equipped to hold Duty of Candour meetings?
✘ Know how to communicate difficult messages in an open and transparent way?

We offer practical and interactive workshops, created in conjunction with an NHS Community Partnership, and tailored to the specific needs of your organisation including:

✓ An opportunity to explore a scenario that causes the Duty of Candour to arise and to     consider how it might best be addressed.
✓ An understanding of how the Duty of Candour arose and the benefits it now provides to patients and staff.
✓ An opportunity to practice Duty of Candour meetings with professional actors as the patients to maximise the delegates’ learning.
✓ Building the confidence of staff during the programme to tackle these conversations in the future.


“Excellent facilitators. A very beneficial session - I could see an improvement in the
confidence of the attendees by the end of the day.”

“Really thought provoking!”

Feedback from delegates who experienced the first programmes.

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Contact and appointments

Please contact us on the following phone numbers with any questions or to make an appointment:


07932 150453 (Sarah Crayford Brown)

07833 131649 (Alison Bennett) 


Alternatively contact us by email using our contact form.

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© Conflict Masters. Tel: 07932 150453 (Sarah Crayford Brown) 07833 131649 (Alison Bennett)