Case Studies


The following case studies are examples of some of the work we have carried out with clients.  To ensure that we do not breach confidentiality, we have changed the names in some of these case studies.


Our aim is to demonstrate through these case studies how our services have worked for others and you may find one of them is similar to a challenge that you or your organisation is currently facing.  If your issue is not covered here but involves conflict within your organisation, please contact us to see if we can help.


Case Study No 1 - An interactive mediation workshop using actors. case study


Case Study No 2 - Courageous Conversations workshop using actors. case study


Case Study No 3 - Using Mediation for an ongoing dispute. case study


Case study No 4 - Using Executive Coaching to help a business leader manage organisational conflict. case study


Case Study No 5 - 'Contracting for Success & Positive Working Relationships'. case study


Case Study No 6 - Independent facilitation for a team in conflict. case study




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Please contact us on the following phone numbers with any questions or to make an appointment:


07932 150453 (Sarah Crayford Brown)

07833 131649 (Alison Bennett) 


Alternatively contact us by email using our contact form.

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© Conflict Masters. Tel: 07932 150453 (Sarah Crayford Brown) 07833 131649 (Alison Bennett)