✘ Know the difference between effective performance
management and bullying?
✘ Know what to do if bullying and harassment is raised?
✘ Allow the fear of conflict to hold back necessary change and
✘ Lack the skills to address complex people issues?
✘ Spend too much valuable time and resources on bullying
and harassment investigations?
✘ Recognise the relationship between high sickness absence
levels and stress caused by bullying & harassment?
✓ An understanding of the legal issues and best practice
relating to bullying and harassment issues.
✓ Guidance on how to hold effective courageous
performance conversations with staff.
✓ An insight into the behaviour patterns linked to bullying
and harassment
✓ Trained actors to maximise the delegates’ learning plus
follow up support
As the number of complaints of bullying and harassment continue to increase - we have worked with anumber of clients to help staff, managers and B & H advisors appreciate the differences between good perfomance management and Bullying and Harassment. Find out more about a recent case study with a regular client.
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